AI-based assistance system from KEBA in real use

KeBob: Artificial intelligence for more security at Sparkasse Südwestpfalz

Sparkasse Südwestpfalz shows how innovation and security can go hand in hand: KeBob, KEBA's latest solution for AI-supported customer interaction in the bank foyer, actively combats vandalism, ATM blasts and other risks in self-service branches.

Following a successful pilot phase, five of these intelligent systems are already in use, with another soon to follow. KeBob is more than just a video surveillance system: the AI detects potential dangers such as unauthorized behaviour or medical emergencies, prevents PINs from being spied on and regulates access outside of opening hours.

The special feature: KeBob can not only assess situations in real time, but also communicate interactively with customers in the process - a real innovation in banking. No wonder, the smart helper is known as “our friend” among Sparkasse Südwestpfalz employees.

With this technology, the Sparkasse is setting new standards and giving other financial institutions exciting impetus. The next step? Even more functions and an expansion of its use - for a secure and modern banking experience. A big step into the future, with a focus on security and well-being for employees and customers alike.

More on KeBob at the Sparkasse Südwestpfalz can be found in the following press release (in German):

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KEBA - Automation by innovation.