Repair, upgrade & conversion
Our services
- Repairing KEBA automation solutions products
- High availability of original spare parts thanks to in-house production
- Extensive testing scope with complete functional test according to specifications
- Use of state-of-the-art equipment
Your benefits
- Warranty for repairs and replaced parts
- Quick turnaround times
- Minimal downtime thanks to express repair service
- Cost optimization and quality preservation through repairs at chip level
- Service provided by experienced technicians
Upgrade & conversion services
Our services
- In-house conversion of existing products
- High availability of original spare parts thanks to in-house production
- Extensive testing scope with complete functional test according to specifications
Your benefits
- Minimal downtime thanks to express upgrade and conversion service
- One single supplier
- Quick turnaround times
- Service provided by experienced technicians
Business Areas
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KEBA - Automation by innovation.
{{ location.name }}
{{ location.street }}
{{ location.street2 }}
{{ location.zip }} {{ location.city }}, {{ countryName }}
AC Wallboxes:
{{ location.phone }}
DC fast charger:
{{ location.phone_dc }}
{{ location.fax }}
KEBA eMobility technical Support
KEBA eMobility technical Support
AC Wallboxes:
{{ location.emobility_support_phone }}
DC fast charger:
{{ location.phone_dc }}