Together fit for the future! Partnership of Bühler and KEBA in action.
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- 16.4.2018
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Successful cooperation over 24 years
An archetypal customer-supplier relationship: The cooperation started with signing the contract in 1994. Nowadays it is more successful than ever before. Bühler is among others an international specialist for intelligent die casting solutions based in Uzwil, Switzerland. For this business sector, the company is sourcing a complete turnkey package in hard- and software consisting of controls, I/O-modules and HMI from KEBA. The latter company is a global player in the field of industrial automation.
“The success of our cross-organizational team is based on the fact, that we have set the right focus. We put Bühler’s customers first. For their die casting machines we develop exceptional control solutions and visualizations, that meet future market requirements,” explains Martin Standfest, Key Account Manager at KEBA. Peter Schneider, Sales Support Specialist at Bühler is also convinced: “The longterm and excellent cooperation between KEBA and Bühler is contributing to the high consistency we help our customers to achieve in their important projects.”

Top-motivated and excellently prepared. The running team of Bühler and KEBA minutes before the starting pistol for the Linz Marathon got fired.
Colleagueship beyond organizational boundaries
The team spirit of Bühler and KEBA doesn’t know any organizational boundaries. Members of the core team are cooperating in such a positive way, that some of them have decide to start together as a team at Linz Marathon 2018. Among them Stefan Engesser (R&D Software Engineer), Eric Guyon (Project Manager R&D) and Peter Schneider (Sales Support Specialist) from Bühler. On the part of KEBA Martin Standfest (Key Account Manager), Dietmar Berlesreiter (Product Manager KeControl FlexCore) and Josef Dobetsberger (Customer Solution Engineer) joined in.
The big day finally arrived on 15th April. After months of preparation and with a clear goal in mind, our joint running team enjoyed the extraordinary atmosphere together with 20.000 running enthusiasts in the capital of Upper Austria. Every team member can be really proud of their racing times and has gained a lasting experience.

Shaping the future together! One day after the marathon Bühler visited KEBA’s headquarters in Linz to define the roadmap for future projects.
Ready for the future
Shortly after the race, our six runners already started contemplating about taking part in Linz Marathon 2019, in which year another reason to celebrate is the 25-years partnership-anniversary. This is another proof, that our team is always setting its sights on future goals. While next year’s event participation is rather certain, forecasts are becoming increasingly difficult in the world of automation. This is caused by the ever-changing market requirements of the fast paced Industry 4.0-era. As a result of shorter innovation cycles, a myriad of new technologies have to be integrated permanently.
In consequence, future-proof machinery automation systems have to be open in their architecture. This is the only way, customers-specific solutions can be developed from the beginning as well as adapted to changing requirements at any point of time. With KeControl FlexCore KEBA offers a turnkey solution with open hard- and software, whose Linux-based HMI-package Bühler is already using. At the moment the core team is working on the introduction of KEBA’s new control generation KeControl C5, which is the heart of the complete solution.

Currently the cross-organizational team is working on implementing KEBA's new control system KeControl C5 at Bühler.