That was the WEBUILD 2020
- 9.3.2020
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This year the Energiesparmesse Wels was given a new name: WEBUILD. The WEBUILD is more than just a construction fair. It is a trade fair for living and house building and a sanitary fair. WEBUILD is the beginning of a better future, an innovative and sustainable future. And a commitment to progress, innovation and a future worth living. And this year the innovative heating control expert KEBA was once again well represented at its partners’ stands.
An innovative partner for energy efficient heating control
Part of KEBA’s commitment to a better future can be seen in our innovative heating controls which are integrated in the heat pumps and biomass heating systems of our customers. With KeEnergy heating control systems you get the best out of your heat pump or biomass heating system. In addition, thermal solar and PV systems can also be integrated in order to increase their energetic utilization even further. We aim to achieve a warm home with an energy-efficient, reliable and easy-to-use heating system.
At the ÖkoFEN stand: Matthias Ecker (ÖkoFEN Procurement) together with Dieter Zechleitner (KEBA Product Manager) in front of a pellet heating system with KEBA control.
Our team at the show (from left to right): Michael Wenger (KEBA Key Account Manager), Dieter Zechleitner (KEBA Product Manager), Bernhard Breuer (M-TEC Development/Technical Support), Ronald Ecker (KEBA Customer Solutions) and René Ecker (KEBA Developer). In the middle: an M-TEC heat pump with integrated KEBA control.