Repair form

KeContact P30/P40 - Wallbox

ATTENTION - if you have purchased the KeContact P30/40 wallbox from one of our dealers or contractual partners, please return the defective charging station to them! This repair order may only be submitted by dealers or contractual partners of KEBA.

There was an error

Please contact us directly via email at [email protected].

Your request was submitted successfully

Please ship the charging station together with the printout! We will process your repair order as soon as possible and contact you.
For further questions, please contact: [email protected]

You can only submit this form if you purchased the wallbox directly from KEBA.
This field is required
Company is a required field
VAT Nr. is a required field
Contact *
First Name is a required field
Last Name is a required field
Phone is a required field
Email is a required field Please enter an email address
Delivery address of the supplier/distributor
Street is a required field
ZIP is a required field
City is a required field
Product informations
Serial number is a required field
Problem description

Type of error *

Please describe the error as detailed as possible, "broken" is not sufficient. *

Error description is a required field

The charging station displays a colored error code on the LED bar, which is not in the FAQ ( Please indicate the color of the respective LED segment in the fields:

Problem reports/images of the problem
  • {{ }}
  • {{ }}
Own repair measures

Did you repair something on your own? *

Which steps were taken to fix the error?

Chargeable special requests for flat rates
{{ }} {{ form.vat_number }} {{ form.order_number }}
{{ form.firstname }} {{ form.lastname }} {{ }} {{ }}
Delivery address
{{ form.street }} {{ }} {{ }}
Product informations
Product Name
{{ form.product_name }}
Software version
{{ form.software_version }}
Serial number
{{ form.serial_number }}
Problem description
Type of error
Permanent Infrequent During the ramp-up phase
Error description
{{ form.error_description }}
Error code
{{ getErrorCodeOfName(form.error_code_1) }} - {{ getErrorCodeOfName(form.error_code_2) }} - {{ getErrorCodeOfName(form.error_code_3) }} - {{ getErrorCodeOfName(form.error_code_4) }}
Problem reports/images of the problem
{{ }}
Support-Ticket-Number (KEM)
{{ form.support_ticket_number }}
Own repair measures
Yes No {{ form.own_repair_measure_steps }}
Customer requirements
Cable replacement needed Upgrade to 4G desired
Cost approval
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required

ATTENTION: KEBA will not respond to submitted forms!

KeContact M20 - Controller

ATTENTION - This repair order may only be submitted by retailers, electricians or contractual partners of KEBA.

There was an error

Please contact us directly via email at [email protected].

Your request was submitted successfully

Please ship the M20 controller together with the printout! We will process your repair order as soon as possible and contact you.
For further questions, please contact: [email protected]

You can only submit this form if you purchased the wallbox directly from KEBA.
This field is required
Company is a required field
VAT Nr. is a required field
Contact *
First Name is a required field
Last Name is a required field
Phone is a required field
Email is a required field Please enter an email address
Delivery address of the supplier/distributor
Street is a required field
ZIP is a required field
City is a required field
Product informations
Serial number is a required field
Problem description

Type of error *

Please describe the error as detailed as possible, "broken" is not sufficient. *

Error description is a required field
Problem reports/images of the problem
  • {{ }}
  • {{ }}
Own repair measures

Did you repair something on your own? *

Which steps were taken to fix the error?

Exchange Delivery

With my confirmation and accompanying commission, I agree to the following terms:

  • If, during the warranty period of the KeContact M20 reported as defective, subsequent inspection at the KEBA repair facility reveals external influence, improper handling, or damage due to incorrect installation, this is not a warranty case. KEBA Energy Automation GmbH will charge the repair lump sum valid at the time of commissioning. (Inspection and invoicing can take up to 6 weeks).

  • If the KeContact M20 claimed as defective does not arrive at the KEBA Energy Automation repair facility at the latest 4 weeks after commissioning for replacement, the entire sales price will be invoiced.

  • The KeContact M20 reported as "defective" with the serial number named by the client becomes the property of KEBA Energy Automation GmbH.

  • KEBA Energy Automation GmbH is not liable for the possible loss of data stored in the KeContact M20. The customer shall ensure that appropriate data backups have been carried out beforehand.

  • KEBA Energy Automation GmbH has informed the client about the possibilities of handling the defective KeContact M20, in particular that commissioning the replacement delivery of a charging station outside of the warranty conditions is subject to a charge.

  • The commissioning party has already carried out a preliminary clarification of the problem and thus rules out the possibility that the problem lies with the KeContact M20. If a subsequent inspection at the KEBA repair facility does not reveal a fault,
    KEBA Energy Automation GmbH will charge the repair lump sum valid at the time of commissioning.


In the event of a warranty claim1:
the manufacturer KEBA Energy Automation GmbH will bear the costs for the replacement delivery of the defective KeContact M20.
The client will not incur any costs (except in the case of non-fulfilment of the above-mentioned provisions).

In case of repair 2:
the client will incur lump-sum costs for a new or generally overhauled KeContact M20 of: 360,- (net) excl. shipping costs.

1 The warranty determines legal consequences and claims to which the customer is entitled within the framework of a purchase contract if the seller has delivered a defective item. A defect is understood to be a deviation of the service rendered from what is contractually owed. The warranty period for movable items such as the charging station is 2 years from delivery of the goods. The statutory provisions also apply.

2 A repair case is deemed to exist if the defect is not covered by the warranty.

{{ }} {{ form.vat_number }} {{ form.order_number }}
{{ form.firstname }} {{ form.lastname }} {{ }} {{ }}
Delivery address
{{ form.street }} {{ }} {{ }}
Product informations
Product Name
{{ form.product_name }}
Software version
{{ form.software_version }}
Serial number
{{ form.serial_number }}
Problem description
Type of error
Permanent Infrequent During the ramp-up phase
Error description
{{ form.error_description }}
Problem reports/images of the problem
{{ }}
Own repair measures
Yes No {{ form.own_repair_measure_steps }}
Cost approval
This field is required

ATTENTION: KEBA will not respond to submitted forms!

KeContact E10 - Smart Energy Meter

ATTENTION - This repair order may only be submitted by retailers, electricians or contractual partners of KEBA.

There was an error

Please contact us directly via email at [email protected].

Your request was submitted successfully

Please ship the KeContact E10 Smart Energy Meter together with the printout! We will process your repair order as soon as possible and contact you.
For further questions, please contact: [email protected]

General (just for companies)
You can only submit this form if you purchased the wallbox directly from KEBA.
This field is required
Company is a required field
VAT Nr. is a required field
Contact *
First Name is a required field
Last Name is a required field
Phone is a required field
Email is a required field Please enter an email address
Delivery Address
Street is a required field
ZIP is a required field
City is a required field
Country / Region is a required field
Product informations
Serial number is a required field
Problem description

Please describe the error as detailed as possible, "broken" is not sufficient. *

Error description is a required field
Problem reports/images of the problem
  • {{ }}
  • {{ }}
Own repair measures

Did you repair something on your own? *

Which steps were taken to fix the error?

Exchange Delivery

With my confirmation and the associated commission, I agree to the following terms:

  • If the KeContact E10 reported during the warranty period as defective, is found to be subject to external influences, improper handling or damage due to incorrect installation during a subsequent check at the KEBA repair facility, this is not classified as a warranty case. KEBA Energy Automation GmbH will invoice the list price valid at the time the commission is placed. (Checking and billing can take up to 6 weeks).

  • If the KeContact E10 reported as defective does not arrive at the KEBA Energy Automation repair shop within 4 weeks after the commission for replacement, the currently valid list price will be invoiced.

  • The KeContact E10 reported as "defective" with the serial number specified by the customer becomes the property of KEBA Energy Automation GmbH.

  • The customer was informed about the possibilities and procedures, of dealing with the defective KeContact E10 by KEBA Energy Automation GmbH.

  • The commissioner has already carried out a preliminary clarification of the problem and has thus ruled out that the problem lies within the environment of KeContact E10.
    If no fault can be found during a subsequent check by the KEBA repair facility, KEBA Energy Automation GmbH shall invoice the list price valid at the time the commission is placed.


In the case of warranty1:

The manufacturer KEBA Energy Automation GmbH assumes the costs for the replacement delivery of the defective KeContact E10. The customer will not bear any costs (except in the case of non-fulfillment of the above-mentioned tems).

In case of repair2:

The customer bears costs in the amount of the current list price (excl. shipping costs).

1 Warranty determines legal consequences and claims to which the customer is entitled under a purchase contract if the seller has delivered a defective item. A defect is understood to be a deviation of the service provided from what is contractually owed to the customer. The warranty period for movable goods such as the smart energy meter is 2 years from the time of delivery of the goods. In addition, the applicable legal provisions shall apply.

2 A repair case exists if the defect is not covered by the warranty.

General (just for companies)
{{ }} {{ form.vat_number }} {{ form.order_number }}
{{ form.firstname }} {{ form.lastname }} {{ }} {{ }}
Delivery address
{{ form.street }} {{ }} {{ }} {{ }}
Product informations
Product Name
{{ form.product_name }}
Software version
{{ form.software_version }}
Serial number
{{ form.serial_number }}
Problem description
Type of error
Permanent Infrequent During the ramp-up phase
Error description
{{ form.error_description }}
Problem reports/images of the problem
{{ }}
Own repair measures
Yes No {{ form.own_repair_measure_steps }}
Cost approval
This field is required

ATTENTION: KEBA will not respond to submitted forms!

KeContact S10 - Phase Switching Device

ATTENTION - This repair order may only be submitted by retailers, electricians or contractual partners of KEBA.

There was an error

Please contact us directly via email at [email protected].

Your request was submitted successfully

Please ship the KeContact S10 Phase Switching Device together with the printout! We will process your repair order as soon as possible and contact you.
For further questions, please contact: [email protected]

General (just for companies)
You can only submit this form if you purchased the wallbox directly from KEBA.
This field is required
Company is a required field
VAT Nr. is a required field
Contact *
First Name is a required field
Last Name is a required field
Phone is a required field
Email is a required field Please enter an email address
Delivery Address
Street is a required field
ZIP is a required field
City is a required field
Country / Region is a required field
Product informations
Serial number is a required field
Problem description

Please describe the error as detailed as possible, "broken" is not sufficient. *

Error description is a required field
Problem reports/images of the problem
  • {{ }}
  • {{ }}
Own repair measures

Did you repair something on your own? *

Which steps were taken to fix the error?

Exchange Delivery

With my confirmation and the associated commission, I agree to the following terms:

  • If the KeContact S10 reported during the warranty period as defective, is found to be subject to external influences, improper handling or damage due to incorrect installation during a subsequent check at the KEBA repair facility, this is not classified as a warranty case. KEBA Energy Automation GmbH will invoice the list price valid at the time the commission is placed. (Checking and billing can take up to 6 weeks).

  • If the KeContact S10 reported as defective does not arrive at the KEBA Energy Automation repair shop within 4 weeks after the commission for replacement, the currently valid list price will be invoiced.

  • The KeContact S10 reported as "defective" with the serial number specified by the customer becomes the property of KEBA Energy Automation GmbH.

  • The customer was informed about the possibilities and procedures, of dealing with the defective KeContact S10 by KEBA Energy Automation GmbH.

  • The commissioner has already carried out a preliminary clarification of the problem and has thus ruled out that the problem lies within the environment of KeContact S10.
    If no fault can be found during a subsequent check by the KEBA repair facility, KEBA Energy Automation GmbH shall invoice the list price valid at the time the commission is placed.


In the case of warranty1:

The manufacturer KEBA Energy Automation GmbH assumes the costs for the replacement delivery of the defective KeContact S10. The customer will not bear any costs (except in the case of non-fulfillment of the above-mentioned tems).

In case of repair2:

The customer bears costs in the amount of the current list price (excl. shipping costs).

1 Warranty determines legal consequences and claims to which the customer is entitled under a purchase contract if the seller has delivered a defective item. A defect is understood to be a deviation of the service provided from what is contractually owed to the customer. The warranty period for movable goods such as the KeContact S10 is 2 years from the time of delivery of the goods. In addition, the applicable legal provisions shall apply.

2 A repair case exists if the defect is not covered by the warranty.

General (just for companies)
{{ }} {{ form.vat_number }} {{ form.order_number }}
{{ form.firstname }} {{ form.lastname }} {{ }} {{ }}
Delivery address
{{ form.street }} {{ }} {{ }} {{ }}
Product informations
Product Name
{{ form.product_name }}
Software version
{{ form.software_version }}
Serial number
{{ form.serial_number }}
Problem description
Type of error
Permanent Infrequent During the ramp-up phase
Error description
{{ form.error_description }}
Problem reports/images of the problem
{{ }}
Own repair measures
Yes No {{ form.own_repair_measure_steps }}
Cost approval
This field is required

ATTENTION: KEBA will not respond to submitted forms!

KeContact T10 - Payment Terminal

ATTENTION - This repair order may only be submitted by retailers, electricians or contractual partners of KEBA.

There was an error

Please contact us directly via email at [email protected].

Your request was submitted successfully

Please ship the KeContact T10 Phase Switching Device together with the printout! We will process your repair order as soon as possible and contact you.
For further questions, please contact: [email protected]

General (just for companies)
You can only submit this form if you purchased the wallbox directly from KEBA.
This field is required
Company is a required field
VAT Nr. is a required field
Contact *
First Name is a required field
Last Name is a required field
Phone is a required field
Email is a required field Please enter an email address
Delivery Address
Street is a required field
ZIP is a required field