Replacement service for charging stations

Replacement for defective charging stations

Uncomplicated help when needed

If the charging station no longer works, this is not only an unpleasant situation for the owner, but also for the installing electrician and dealer.

In addition to the option of sending them in for repair, we therefore offer our sales and installation partners a voluntary replacement device for defective KeContact wallboxes as an exclusive on-top solution. This enables charging performance to be restored quickly. Requesting and providing the replacement device is quick and easy.

The replacement appliance is free of charge in the event of a warranty claim. If the defect is outside the warranty (warranty period has been exceeded or a repair case has been identified due to incorrect installation or improper operation), the costs of the new device will be covered by payment of a lump sum.

The replacement service can only be requested via the selling or installing electrician of the installed KEBA charging station. Uninstallation of the defective charging station and installation of the new charging station are carried out by the electrician making the request (This service is currently only available in Austria and Germany - for defective charging stations in Switzerland, this means that our service partner must be commissioned to carry out the replacement, as described in the following paragraph).

As an additional upgrade, KEBA offers installers and dealers (for a flat-rate service fee) a replacement device exchange by a service partner. Together with our partners, we offer this service throughout the DACH region (Austria, Switzerland, Germany).
Roll-out of Service for UK is in progress – For further questions, please contact: [email protected].

You can find more information on services and costs here.

Benefits that are obvious

  • Quick and uncomplicated help when needed
  • Rapid restoration of charging capability
  • Free replacement device in the event of a warranty claim
  • Time and cost savings thanks to easy handling
  • Full flexibility for electricians, dealers and users
  • For installers and dealers: satisfied customers thanks to rapid troubleshooting

*This voluntary offer is valid until revoked for all installers and dealers of a KEBA charging station in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, provided that the KEBA charging station was purchased from an electrical wholesaler and was sold and installed in Austria, Germany or Switzerland. Commercial operators of charging infrastructure are excluded. *

Clarification of the defect

Clarification of the defect

on site by the electrician

Consulation with KEBA Support

Consulation with KEBA Support

Clarification of the defect and coordination of further steps

Sending in for Repair

Sending in for Repair

Via Wholesalers

Request for replacement device

Request for replacement device

for the damaged charging station by an electrician using the Commisioning Form (GERMAN)

Application for replacement device including replacement by KEBA service partner

Application for replacement device including replacement by KEBA service partner

for the damaged charging station by an electrician or dealer using the Commisioning Form (GERMAN)

Examination and confirmation

Examination and confirmation

of the commission by KEBA

Sending of replacement device

Sending of replacement device

and subsequent replacement by the electrician or service partner*

*The defective box is then returned to KEBA. After a detailed analysis, the customer will be informed whether there is a warranty case or whether the replacement device will be charged.


In case of warranty

  • A replacement device will be provided to the ordering party free of charge
    (please note: the provisions specified in the order form must be observed).
  • The replacement device is a new device with the same or greater functionality than the defective device.

Out of warranty

  • A replacement device can also be claimed here, provided the charging station is not older than four years.

  • The replacement device is a new device with the same or greater functionality than the defective device.

  • If the warranty period* has expired or if a repair case** is determined during the analysis by KEBA, the following flat rates will be charged to the customer:

  • Costs depending on the product series (Austria):

    • Flat rate P40, P30 a-, b-, c-, e- or x-series: € 500,- (excl. VAT)
  • Costs depending on product series (Germany):

    • Flat rate P40, P30 a-, b-, c-, e- or x-series: € 500,- (excl. VAT)
  • Costs depending on product series (Switzerland):

    • Flat rate P40, P30 a-, b-, c-, e- or x-series: CHF 662 (excl. VAT)

Regardless of the warranty

  • If the customer selects the option of replacement by the KEBA service partner, the following "service flat rates" will be charged additionally as compensation for expenses:
    • Service fee for Austria: € 180 (excl. VAT)
    • Service fee for Germany: € 300,- (excl. VAT)
    • Service flat rate for Switzerland: CHF 180,- (excl. VAT)
  • Service flat rate applies regardless of whether there is a warranty case or a repair case
  • Flat rates for the replacement device may apply additionally (see "out of warranty")

ATTENTION: The services offered are a voluntary offer on the part of KEBA and an alternative to the standard repair process. These are not related to the warranty obligation and can therefore lead to costs.
*ATTENTION: The warranty or guarantee period used begins from the date of dispatch of the charging station from KEBA to the contractual partner who purchased it DIRECTLY from KEBA. Any additional periods or agreements and their consequences must be clarified directly with the seller of the wallbox.
**A repair case occurs if the fault is not covered by the warranty or guarantee. This is the case if the warranty or guarantee period has expired or if, during the warranty or guarantee period, a subsequent inspection at the KEBA Repair Center reveals fault on the part of the user (including external influence, improper handling or damage caused by incorrect installation).

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KEBA - Automation by innovation.