That was the Energiesparmesse 2019
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The next generation wall box
In total 95,000 visitors were able to marvel at numerous KEBA KeContact P30 wall boxes on the 65,000 m2 exhibition grounds from 27 February to 3 March. Inside, the wall boxes could be found at our partners’ stands. Outside, Wels Strom had enabled the free charging of electric cars for visitors with a total of 20 of our charging stations installed on the parking grounds.
Expert lecture and podium discussion
Right in the middle of all the action was our KEBA electric mobility expert, Gerhard Wimmer, who was invited to the stage. Under the lecture title "The right charging station for my e-car" he gave insights into current market developments and informed the interested audience about intelligent charging stations. He also expertly answered the ORF presenter’s questions in the panel discussion on the topic of "E-car and Smart Home".
You missed the show?
No problem! You can still inform yourself about the next generation wall box from the market leader KEBA right here. Our wall boxes guarantee fast, easy and reliable charging, as confirmed by recent tests of the mobility clubs ADAC and ÖAMTC.

The combination of electric mobility and photovoltaics offers amany advantages. Pictured:: The integration of an intelligent charging station from KEBA into a smart home.